About Me

My awareness of hypnosis dates back to my early childhood and a cartoon sketch of my father - who was a dentist - using an old-fashioned pocket watch to induce a trance in a nervous patient about to undergo treatment. I understood at the time that this was considered to be a somewhat ‘quirky’ approach - hence the comedic portrayal by his artist friend - but also that it was an effective way in which he helped his patients to relax and feel calm.

My curiosity had been piqued and, two decades later, I decided it was time to find out more. I wanted to know what hypnosis was, if it worked, and how. So began my fascination with and passion for this integrative and eclectic form of therapy.

Taking a warm, empathetic and holistic approach to wellness, my role as a therapist is to guide and empower you to access the transformational power of your unconscious mind. Whether seeking positive change physically, mentally or emotionally, the unconscious mind is a limitless resource and ally just waiting to help you achieve your goals in life.

I trained with LCCH International and hold a Practitioner Diploma in Clinical Hypnotherapy.