What is hypnotherapy?
During a hypnotherapy session you will be gently guided into a deeply relaxing trance state. In this pleasantly relaxed ‘altered state of consciousness’ your hypnotherapist will invite your unconscious mind to accept positive suggestions pertaining to pre-agreed goals for beneficial change and wellbeing. You are in control at all times. The hypnotherapist’s role is to empower and support you.
Imagine your mind as an iceberg: the visible part represents the conscious “executive” mind that handles the day-to-day thought processes, and the larger submerged part, is the unconscious mind. It is the greater, more powerful, part which acts as the foundation on which habits and beliefs are built.
Hypnosis is a key which unlocks the power of the unconscious mind. If you want to make a positive change in your life, to tackle an issue once and for all, or to unlock your highest potential, hypnotherapy will show you the key and create a safe space in which you can use it.
You already have within you everything you need to live the life you want. Your unconscious mind is your greatest asset and ally. Hypnotherapy is a means to accessing the inner resources - already in your possession - which will enable you to achieve your goals.
Trance State
You will already have experienced the hypnotic trance state at various times in your life: that luxurious weekend lie-in feeling when you are no longer asleep but not yet fully awake; or when you drive perfectly safely from A to B but realise upon arriving at your destination that you can’t remember a single thing about your journey. The trance state is wonderfully relaxing state of awareness. It’s rather like floating beneath the surface of a swimming pool - you know life is carrying on above the surface and that you can rejoin it at any time - it’s just that you are rather enjoying the peaceful serenity of where you are!
No-one can be hypnotised against their will and a hypnotherapist cannot ‘make you’ do anything. You remain completely aware of everything that is being said to you and can choose to accept or reject any suggestions made. It is not the same as being asleep. Everyone, providing they are happy to be hypnotised, is hypnotisable.